
Assistance Apprehension

Deviation Actions

MarkDraconis's avatar

Literature Text

WARNING: Contains soft vore, blood, and suspenseful situations.

Hey again everyone, this is a story request from dragonaddict about me, as my avatar, having an "interesting" experience with him as a dragon, so I hope you enjoy it and that I don't make too many mistakes, thanks!

Wind rushed against the black stallion's skin as it carried its rider across the cool marshes. The sun was barley peaking over the horizon and the cool wind of the night was already setting in as the knight's mount carried him quicker towards the rocky plateaus of the west. The knight's black-crested cloak and flaxen hair rapidly blew around in the air as his stallion's speed increased, pushing them farther through the damp bogs and plains. The steed's rhythmic pace fell in unison with the rider's breathing and penetrated the night's chill as their bullet like form shot through it.

The knight's kingdom had fallen into disarray about a year ago when amongst the several conflicts with other kingdoms; Relandra had experience an immense famine that caused kingdom wide suffering. Although the treasury was adequately full, no gold could be sparred to try and buy or trade for food with other kingdoms, and so several companies of knights were sent out into the land to try and retrieve more gold or any other type of wealth.

Five companies had been sent out: two had fallen to opposing armies, two had been lost to creatures of the wilderness; boars, wolfs, and jaguars alike. Mark's company had started out with eight knights including him and had been sent in the direction of Drikidale Castle, where it was rumored to have an immense storage of wealth within it. All expeditions had since failed on the Castle and no one had dared venture there for fear of death or haunting. Mark had expressed his confidence in trying to help his kingdom by getting there and had led his company towards the fortress, stopping along the way to explore other possible options.

Mark had lost two of his knights to disease, three knights to resigning, and one knight to a wolf attack. Even though he was very discouraged and sad about his fellow knights' deaths and surrendering, Mark and his last fellow knight Ederik pressed one with determination. They were about a day from the "Black" Castle, as they had nicknamed it, and had stopped for the night at the last town before the treacherous marshes and rocky hills that surrounding the fortress. Mark and Ederik rode into the town and paid for their mounts to be kept safe and fed in the stables before retiring in the local inn.

"Hello, Miss, may me and my companion seek shelter until tomorrow morning", Mark asked politely. "Of course you can Sir Knight, we have several rooms that are tailored to your liking", said the hostess nicely. "Many thanks, here's payment for the night and stables ma'am", He replied as he dropped some copper coin on the desk. "Thank you very much, sir", she said before handing him a cast-iron key and walking away. Ederik and Mark retired to their room and talked for a couple hours about the mission, their families, and their statuses of being knights. Mark had great admiration for Ederik: He was calm, compassionate, and was a great knight and person.

Long after Ederik had fallen asleep, Mark lay awake in his bed, thinking of all the things he wished hadn't happened and then looked at Ederik, frowning. He now didn't want him to come with him; he knew that the "Black" Castle would be very, very dangerous and that he might not make it out. But he didn't want Ederik to suffer any fate of death: he had a family, his knighthood, and his caring personality. Early the next morning, Mark got up really early, before the sun had risen above the sky and gathered up all his belongings and rations then put his hand on Ederik's shoulder softly, so as to not to wake him, and said his kind goodbye, leaving a note for Ederik to find. Mark set out across the muddy streets and retrieved Will, his black stallion, from the stables and set off quickly down the still deserted streets towards the Barrend Marshes. Mark rode all day, taking breaks to let William rest and eat some of his rations, and then resumed his day long journey to the "Black" Castle.

After pushing Will all through the early hours of the night, his sapphire eyes could see the peaks of the "Black" Castle's towers. He rode faster, petting and encouraging Will to keep his pace as they became bullets through the air. Will's loyalty and respect for Mark overcame his fatigue and tiredness as he rode faster towards that dark castle. An hour later, Mark and Will were rested on the side of the rocks, right beside the decimated and weakened entrance to the castle and laid against the rocks to rest for a little while to regain their strength.

Mark rubbed Will's back, setting some rations down in front of him while he rested against Will's soft mane. "Well, boy, we made it, didn't we, heh, I want ya to stay here, alright Will, I'll go in alone, d…don't want you to get hurt", Mark said kindly. Will neighed in disagreement and nuzzled him in the chest with worried eyes. "It's okay boy, please just stay here", Mark said while rubbing Will behind the ears. Mark got up and stretched, putting on his leather pack, silver-handled sword, and some extra rations.

"Here I go, stay safe Will", Mark said before entering the almost collapsed doorway. Mark entered the dark abyss with his hand on his blade and his head held as he walked past the black-tinted archways and entered the "belly" of the beast. For the first few starches, Mark saw collapsed columns, tattered pictures, cracked cobblestone, and many destroyed and scattered armor plates around the floor and walls. He continued down the main hallway and came to something like a congregation chamber where it held about six to eight different paths all connecting to different parts of the castle.

Most of the signs that had been meant to point in whatever direction a place was were destroy but the signs that were discernable read the following: Main Tower, Throne Room, and Lower Dungeons. Mark thought for a while as in most gothic like castles, the treasury was usually located in the lower parts of the castle to protect it from sieges and other attempts at thievery; the throne room however was where the master of the master of the castle usually resided so it was bound to have some riches.

After much pondering, Mark decided that he would try the dungeons first as any riches that were in the throne room have either been hidden very well or already raided in the past. He grabbed a torch off the stone wall and lit it using his flint, beginning the long descent into the dungeons by way of large cobble stairs. Mark noticed the air getting thicker as he quickly descended down the dark stairs and came into the main antechamber that led into the different capillaries of the dungeon and basements. Mark picked the biggest trail and headed in that direction as he noticed the increased shattered armor around him and thickening air. It wasn't bad just one of those musky atmosphere's that is usually experienced early in the morning with the humidity.

As he headed down the brick corridor, he could hear something strange, sort of like a heaving wind through the walls, almost like a breathing pattern. Mark shook it off and reached a balcony that overlooked a big stone door. He had found the entrance to the treasury, but saw something that almost made him fall down and gasp; an emerald colored creature about fifty feet in length with scales and fins populated its body and something similar to bandages on some of its body, was laying right in front of the door.

Mark gasped as he knew what it was: a dragon, with wings like leather, violet flames on its tail, and eyes like crimson roses. Mark could only lean against the stone wall and gaze in amazement and fear. He could see the dragon was awake but could tell something was wrong. Even though the dragon was breathing and blinking his eyes, its breathing was pained and it was doubled over like something was wrong. It seemed…hurt and almost looked like it was crying in agony.

Mark starred at the poor creature softly, almost with pity and debated whether to help it or let it suffer. Mark's entire personality fought against leaving something to suffer like that so, even though his subconscious was screaming at him to back away slowly, he took one step after another and began descending the stone stairs that lead to the large room and door. It wasn't until Mark crossed around the stairs on the main floor that the dragon looked up and growled very angrily. Mark inched towards the creature but took a step back when the dragon roared in fury and starred at Mark with intense anger.

Mark just looked at the creature with pity and unbuckled his saber and put it on the ground. "P….please mighty creature, I…..I mean you n….no harm, I….I don't k…know if you can understand m…me but, I….I want to h…help you", Mark said fearfully as he knelt down on the ground. The dragon seemed to chuckle painfully but looked into Mark's blue eyes and nodded. Mark took careful steps towards the shimmering creature and approached it very cautiously. When Mark was about a foot away from the dragon, the dragon came close to Mark with its maw and looked at him for a long time. "I….I promise, I….I won't hurt you, I…I just want to help you mighty dragon", Mark said still frightened.

The dragon looked at Mark almost in disbelief as no one had ever wanted to help him before, he starred at Mark for another minute or so but nodded very slowly before showing that he'd been wounded on his chest and had been bleeding moderately for some time. Mark put his pack next to him and inspected the wound then reached into his pack and pulled out a large bandage that he used to try and help stop the bleeding, applying pressure by wrapping the bandage around the dragon's leg and tighten it around the oozing, red wound. The dragon started licking around the wound as Mark applied a muddy-like substance around the still oozing wound and tried to tighten the bandage some more.

The dragon winced and growled in severe pain before looking at Mark angrily. "I…I'm sorry, might dragon, I'm trying to s…..stop the bleeding, p….please, I…I'm not trying to hurt you", Mark said now leaning against the ground, scared. The dragon then nodded again and rested his head against his paws, still crying a little from the pain. For the next half an hour, Mark applied, tightened, cleaned, and stopped the oozing and pain. Mark patted the wound and put the stuff back in the pack before going over to the dragon's head. "I….I hope that you're in less pain, now, might dragon, I…..I just c…couldn't watch you in that much a…agony", Mark said worriedly as he looked down at the dragon.

The dragon raised his head and smiled a little and nuzzled Mark and licked him a few times. He felt his stomach growl a little bit and realized that he was very, very weak from being here several days in pain and looked at Mark and licked his lips. Mark laughed a little as the dragon licked him over and over again, until he noticed that the dragon was salivated all over him and smiling almost too much as he was licking. Mark started to back up fearful of what the dragon was thinking. The dragon saw that the human was backing away, probably in fear, and started to get up and move towards the human.

"W….wait, p…please, m…mighty sir, I….I j…just helped you, please d…don't eat me", Mark begged as he continued sliding across the floor. The dragon smiled tenderly but simply walked over and put his paw over Mark's chest and stuck him against the stone floor. Mark looked into the dragon's eyes with fear and pain as he was just food to the dragon, a dragon he just saved. The dragon looked back and hesitated for a minute but then let his huge red tongue drop out of his mouth and started licking Mark's legs. Mark fought back and tried to reach his sword but to no avail as the dragon removed his leather boots and ripped off Mark's cloak as he continued to slather Mark in sticky saliva whilst purring affectionately.

The tongue rippled with delight as it lavished Mark with drool and wrapped around his shirt and legs. Mark let out a gasp and then a silent tear as the dragon wrapped his paw around him and brought him up to face the dragon's mouth. The emerald dragon smiled widely at Mark, revealing very sharp teeth, and even some vampire looking ones as the dragon's tongue slithered around Mark and slide him into the dragon's wide jaws. The dragon took his time to relish Mark's flavor as he swished Mark around in his mouth, wrapping around Mark's chest and trying to go into his shirt, realizing that his skin tastes much better than those weird wrappings.

Mark tries to fight but eventually just lies against the tongue with full hopelessness, and lets the dragon have its way with him. The dragon hears Mark stop struggling and sobbing a little and coos compassionately as he pins Mark against the top of his mouth and purrs at the delicious flavors coming out of licking him. The dragon moves Mark to the back of his mouth to the opening of the throat and swallows in succinct rhythm sending the boy's head into his gluttonous gullet. Mark panics as he's swallowed into the throat and feels the tongue still attacking his legs and feet as he is sucked deeper into the dragon's body.

The dragon looks at his pulsing throat as the bulge that is the boy, moves deeper into his hungry body and purrs as he feels the human slide into his welcoming stomach. Mark plummets into soft wet flesh and tries to get up but finds that there is no room as he realizes that he's in the dragon's stomach. "No, mighty dragon, please d…don't kill me like this, not alive……." Mark says as he leans against the walls, crying feverishly. The dragon hears the little human crying and rubs his stomach tenderly, enjoying the rubs and the feeling of a live being inside him. The dragon goes over to the wall and lays down on his paws and starts falling asleep, his meal inside him giving him pleasure. Mark slowly slides down the wall and puts his hand through the shallow liquids inside the stomach and, even though feeling some tickly vibrations, doesn't feel burning. He looks at his hand in uncertainty but is outwitted by his body as his exhaustion forces his unconsciousness.

The dragon awakes refreshed and gets up, stretching its long body and rubbing its now healing wound. It looks around and enjoys the cool atmosphere that is circulating through the castle and goes to fly out of the castle using the ceiling, when he feels some movement in his stomach. The dragon gasped as it forgot that it had eaten its savior last night. The dragon worriedly rubbed its stomach, trying to see if the human was alright. Mark had awoken about two minutes ago and had found his body very much un-digested, even though some of his clothes had been ruined. He let out a tear of relief as he felt that the dragon wasn't going to kill him after all.

He started rubbing the stomach with his face and hands. The dragon enjoyed the rubs and sighed heavily as it felt the nice human safe in his stomach. He knew that the human probably wanted to come out and started very precisely regurgitating the human's body up his throat. Mark felt the soft fleshy stomach hug him all around and slowly massage him up the comfy gullet of the dragon. Mark gave out a purr of his own at first, the soft muscles massaging his aching body, and the fact that he was getting out. Moments later, the dragon opened its maw and, after giving some loving licks to the human's face, slide him off his tongue onto some old rugs and lay on his paws, looking at Mark with an apologetic face. Mark looked at the dragon first with a little frustration but then with wondering.

"G...GET A...away from me d…dragon, w…why did you e….eat me, y…you betrayed me, I...I HELPED YOU, I…." Mark asked with tears and pain as he backed away and tried to distance himself. The dragon gasped and flinched at the human's words and tried to slowly edge closer to him. "N...No p...please little human, I...I'm sorry, I...I didn't want to eat you b...but, I also was very hungry and wanted you to be comfortable. I…I'm sorry if I scared you little human", the dragon said in its soothing but pained voice. "I don't CARE, I...I saved you, I...I took pity on you, and I would've never hurt you, but you tricked me and used me", Mark said with a face full of tears and panting.

"Human, I am so sorry, really, please forgive me, I…I feel terrible, please…" the dragon said as it collapsed on the ground and started to cry. Mark got up and almost ran out in anger but his conscience told him to stay. He saw the sorrow of the dragon and felt sorry for him again. He sighed and walked up to the dragon. "T…Thank you for not killing me, I…I'm glad that you're feeling better, you j…just scared me a lot. Please don't do that again, I'm tired of people betraying me. And if you wanted a friend, you'll have to earn my trust back." "H…human please, you saved my life, you healed me, a...and you took pity on me, I...I could never, never k...kill you, I…I'm in agony because of what I did to you. I'm sorry…." the dragon said sorrowfully as it nuzzled Mark with a shameful aura.

Mark looked on with a little confusion but rubbed the dragon's neck anyway, still feeling betrayed by the dragon's actions. The dragon purred at the rubs and looked at Mark with an apologetic face. "I…I I'm sorry human, I'm a monster, I...I shouldn't have done that to you b...but, um, my name's Ryan, brave human, may I ask yours", Ryan said softly. "I guess it's only fair that you should know the name of the human that 'saved' you…my name is Mark, and even though you hurt me, I have to say you're pretty stunning for a dragon. Ryan blushes a little and then opens his arms to Mark again.

"Aw, thanks Mark, look I...I'm sorry, c...can I give you a hug, I will do whatever I must to gain your trust again, you're the nicest human I've met in a very long time, at first I thought you were going to kill me, that's why I got mad, but, thanks for saving me", Ryan said tenderly. "Well we'll see if you can, but apparently you can be the nicest person in the world but just be a mere snack for a dragon in an instant…I'm sorry, I'm blabbing…" Mark said with a sad and hurt face. "Mark, I…I don't know what to say, was a moment of...of weakness, please, I…I wasn't lying, you are the nicest being I've met in my whole life, a...and I'm sorry…" Ryan replied as he continued crying harder.

"Its fine I guess, I'm sorry for...For invading this castle, I...I was just trying to get treasury to save my kingdom, didn't expect that I was going to meet the oh-so-terrifying dragon guardian…." Mark explained with a few tears. "Oh, well that's noble of you Mark, and you don't need to explain yourself you me, Mark, you've been more than nice to me a...And I betrayed you a...And hurt you. T...take whatever you want, um, in fact if you'll stay with me for a few days while I heal I'll l...Let ya ride on me and help take some of the treasure for you", Ryan said apologetically.

Mark thought about this for a moment and sighed. "Well I don't know, thank you for offering your treasure, b...but I...I don't know if I should stay with you, I might be, I don't know, accidently dissolved or something", Mark replied. "N...No Mark, I promise with my dying breath I will never, ever digest you, or kill you. I hurt you Mark, and I want to make it up to you." "Fine I'll stay with you, I guess you're a good source of warmth anyway, thanks for the offer I guess", Mark replied.

"Of course Mark, I...It's the least I can do to repay you, I...I feel so bad, I...I'm sorry again, A...And I'll hunt for ya so you don't need to worry, if, um if you'll let me eat you at least, uhh, one more time", Ryan said, blushing with a few tears. "Are you kidding me, okay the hunting thing is fine, b...but REALLY, I have to let you eat me again, is this a quid pro quo thing going on, why would I ever let you eat me again!?", Mark said angrily.

"Oh goodness, Mark, I...I did it again, thinking with my stomach. I promise that I will never eat you unless you give me permission Mark, please, uhh, what's wrong with me, I...I'm sorry," Ryan said as he wrapped his wings around him, trying to show his pain and apology. "Fine, I might let you eat me, but that is on a moot point, I'll think about it, but I really feel hurt Ryan, I guess thank you for the things you've done so far…", the human responded with a few tears. "R...really,'d do that, but no Mark I...I, no the only reason I...I ate you was because I...I was starving, a...and is a way that I show affection, I beg of you Mark, please forgive me, I..I'm sorry for everything."

"Okay Ryan, I guess w...we can be friends, well acquaintances to start, but it might take me a bit to forgive, but I will try my best, I...I'm sorry, I..I wish that I could forgive you right away…" Mark responded before returning the hug to his new 'friend', trying his ever hardest to be nice to the creature. Mark's love for dragon's outweighed his hate for betrayal for the moment as he rubbed the warm chest of the scaly, emerald dragon from the "Black" castle…  


Hey thanks for reading and I hope that everyone, especially dragonaddict, enjoyed the story. I always appreciate feedback, but please forgive me if any spelling or grammar errors get in your way :D, thanks again!!
Mark belongs to me
Ryan belogns to :iconvivamusdraconem:

Thanks to all my watchers and friends for your support!!
© 2011 - 2024 MarkDraconis
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ZenitsuCult's avatar

I love the story it was amazing but what about will what happen‘d to him